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  • Writer's pictureMichael John Velasco

5 Instagram Organic Strategy

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

If you're about to ask me how you'll grow your followers, appeared in the suggested profile, and gain likes. Sure! As a Social Media Manager, I'll give you 5 Instagram Organic strategies and Tips.

This is a basic strategy that you'll need to know before setting up an Instagram Business account because going back to the basics, strengthens your foundation!

5 Instagram Organic Strategy

1. Instagram Bio Optimization

How optimized your account today? Is it SEO-friendly? Here are the things you need to consider in optimizing your Instagram profile:


Just put your name! A name that can link to your other social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. If someone searches for you, there's plenty of you—social media—that appears in their search bar.

Tip: If you have a business title like MD or Author, put it along with your name!

Bio Description

Put a clear value in your Bio description. I suggest putting keywords on what niche you are in. For example, if you are an artist, you may always include the word "artist" in the description.

Tip: Provide a quality description. You can include some #Hashtags.

Display Photo

Have a profile picture that pops! The eye-catching one! Oh, sexy! No, the bright color background will do.

2. Linking Game!

This is also part of our friend named SEO! Optimize your linking game in all your social media accounts. This is a must!

If you have Facebook, link your Instagram account same goes for the other platforms you may have. Example:

This will help you to get your profile visible. Because we BUILD VISIBILITY!

3. Instagram Content

Oh! Yes! Having good content can play the game well. Plan out a week of good engaging content plan. A content that your audience will save it. (Instagram Algorithm for 2021 focuses on this.)

You may hire a Social Media Manager that'll help you in creating engaging content!

Note: Be reminded of the term "Content Fatigue." Okay?

4. Hashtags and Short-form Content

Use proper #Hashtags! Focus on your Main and Supporting hashtags rather than staffing hashtags that weren't on your niche. Have a trial and error on hashtag strategy. If your current hashtag wasn't performing well, search for others.

You can use the keyword tool! Just put keywords that shoot on your branding or in your niche. Also, you can search in the Instagram search bar— use active hashtags.

Tips: You may like or comment on a post under the same hashtags. This is an organic way to grow followers, connect, and gain likes. Follow people within your same niche.

Short-form content. This includes Instagram Stories and TV. You may use stories to interact with your followers and outside circle using hashtags and locations in your stories.

5. Get off Instagram!

After setting up your basic strategy, take a rest! Let Instagram work for now. See analytic report after a week or so, check if has good progress. If not, let's think of another strategy!

That's all! Thank you for reaching from here.

This is your boy MJ, your Social Media Manager!

Let's Keep on Learning!

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